What Are the Different Types of Alcoholics?

If you or a loved one fall into one of these types of alcoholism, know that there are options. If you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol use disorder, you should seek help right away. The first step to creating a better life for yourself is getting professional help.

what are the types of alcoholics

Babor and colleagues (1992) based their typology on the assumption that the heterogeneity among alcoholics is attributable to a complex interaction among genetic, biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors. Consequently, no single characteristic distinguishes alcoholics from non-alcoholics, and separate homogeneous subtypes differ by more than just one defining characteristic. The researchers therefore reviewed the alcoholism typology literature since the mid-19th century to identify defining typological characteristics that combined could accurately describe alcoholic subtypes. Using cluster analysis, the investigators identified two types of alcoholics who differ consistently across 17 defining characteristics, including age of onset, severity of dependence, and family history of alcoholism. The two types also differ with respect to treatment outcome, with type B alcoholics more likely to relapse to heavy drinking.

Differences Between Type I and Type II Alcoholics

Of the five alcoholic subtypes, intermediate familial individuals have the highest employment rates and an average family income of $50,000 yearly. They have the highest divorce rate — 25.1 percent — of all the alcoholic types. Only 9 percent have gone to college, and only 43 percent are employed full time. They drink more heavily than any other type of alcoholic, consuming alcohol 248 days of the year on average and drinking five or more drinks 69 percent of the time. Nearly 50 percent have a family history of alcoholism, and co-occurring mental illness is prevalent.

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About 64% are male, while around 38% are married and 21% are divorced. There are many different kinds of alcoholic drinks, and some of them contain more alcohol than others. The types of alcoholic drinks  with higher concentrations of alcohol are able to cause drunkenness and alcohol poisoning more quickly and in smaller doses. These are typically middle-aged, well-educated, 5 types of alcoholics and successful individuals who manage to maintain jobs, relationships, and responsibilities despite their addiction. Statistically, young adults comprise the largest group of alcoholics in the U.S., with nearly 32% of all alcoholics falling into this category. These individuals often begin heavy drinking in their late teens and continue into their early adulthood.

Removing Barriers to Treatment

As exceptions, functional and young antisocial alcoholics are more likely to be aware of their drinking problem. While functional alcoholics may not binge drink, they do drink more alcohol than the average person. Most functional alcoholics are middle-aged (around 41) who started drinking around age 18. Young adults tend to drink less often than older alcoholics, but they binge drink more. The young adult subtype also often abuses other substances besides alcohol and rarely seeks treatment.

More than half of young antisocial alcoholics come from families with alcoholism, and about half have been diagnosed with Antisocial Personality Disorder. People with this disorder are more likely to be impulsive, lack remorse, engage in criminal behavior, have legal problems, and manipulate others.3 Many individuals in this subtype also have major depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. These observations suggest certain patterns of neurotransmitter activity in different alcoholic subtypes. For example, people with antisocial personality traits or type II alcoholism are expected to be uncooperative and to have low serotonergic activity in the CNS. Moreover, these individuals are expected to be high in novelty seeking and, therefore, low in dopaminergic CNS activity.

Young Adult Subtype

Individuals with an alcohol use disorder (alcoholism) will likely experience the symptoms of physical dependence as well as psychological effects. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, in 2012, an estimated 7.2 percent of American adults aged 18 and older, approximately 17 million people, had a diagnosable alcohol use disorder. Men have alcohol use disorder almost twice as often as women; of the estimated 17 million affected adults, 11.2 million were men and 5.7 million were women.2 Adolescents are not immune. In 2012, an estimated 855,000 young people between years of age had this disorder. Here’s some information to help you get ready for your appointment, and what to expect from your health care provider or mental health provider.

what are the types of alcoholics

Drinking disrupts their lives and cuts down on the amount of time they spend doing other activities. They also experience the highest rate of emergency medical attention because of their drinking. About half of those in this group have an anti-social personality disorder and are more likely to experience a co-occuring mental health condition such as depression, bipolar disorder, dysthymia or anxiety. They’re also extremely likely to have another addiction to cigarettes, marijuana, opioids or cocaine. Despite these alarming statistics, this group is more likely to seek help than almost any other. Over a third of the people in this subtype have sought some form of help or treatment to overcome their alcohol dependence, whether a private health care provider, treatment program, detox or self-help group.

Medical Professionals

They tend to prefer self-help groups, detoxification programs, specialty treatment programs and individual private health care providers. About 31% of functional alcoholics have a close family member who also has alcohol dependence. They have moderate rates of major depression (24%) and smoking cigarettes (43%), and low rates of anxiety disorders, other substance use disorders, and the lowest rates of having legal problems (fewer than 1%). Functional alcoholics make up 19.4% of alcohol-dependent individuals. They also have a later age of first drinking (average of 19 years) and a later onset of alcohol dependence at an average of 37 years.

This disorder also involves having to drink more to get the same effect or having withdrawal symptoms when you rapidly decrease or stop drinking. Alcohol use disorder includes a level of drinking that’s sometimes https://ecosoberhouse.com/ called alcoholism. Other researchers detected differences between type I and type II alcoholics not only in the age at onset and the type of alcohol-related problems, but also in certain neurobiological markers.

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